The quality is very much down to the preset you're using with those tools, however, and even then the results can vary wildly depending on in-game lighting conditions. Graphics mods are no new thing in Grand Theft Auto games, with tools like ENBseries and SweetFX allowing modders to hijack the game's renderer and tweak its output. The effort and editing put into this 'final cinematic trailer' is impressive all on its own:
You can now download a Single Player Beta of the mod - and even if you don't plan on doing that, it's worth watching the trailer below. The long-in-development Grand Theft Auto 5 mod is a comprehensive revamp of lighting, textures, models and much more, but it remains faithful to the art direction of the base game.
Most 'realistic graphics' mods make games look worse, but that's not the case with NaturalVision Evolved.